My Maternal Grandfather..Jack..There aren't enough kind words to describe this man. He was the first true father figure in my life. Yes, I had a dad, but my granddaddy was my knight in shining armor. There was no place I wanted to be more than at his house, next to him on the couch, curled up in the crook of his arm, watching the evening news or Heehaw...he loved that..and he loved me..unconditionally. Even through the torture of colon cancer..he showed up to my softball games..donut seat and all..rooting me only do that when you love someone and you truly want to be there! What an awesome example of love and dedication.
Teachers/Coaches..Mr Price(8th grade math), Mr Braun, Mr Stewart(high school) and Coach Bradley(Varsity Softball)..These men helped me see how special I was and everything I had to offer the world. Two were math teachers, and don't ya know that is my favorite subject. Mr Braun loved to call me a go-getter...telling the entire class how I had a double header last night and went 4 for 6 with 2 doubles and still aced the Algebra II exam..boy was he good for the ego! Mr Stewart never had children..his wife suffered miscarriage after miscarriage and he told me several times..if they could have been blessed with a daughter, he would want her to be just like me. Is it any wonder I loved high school..all these compliments?? haha Don't worry..there were teachers that knocked me down a few notches..making me feel unworthy for honors classes, etc..and wouldn't you know they were women! HA! And Coach of the BIGGEST influences in high school..he gave me an attitude adjustment right when I needed it the most, and I sometimes wonder just how different I would have been if he had not sat me out those 3 games! He was proof that tough love is hard and it can work! He didn't want one of his best hitters sitting the bench..but those 3 little games my freshman year..changed the kind of athlete and person I was!
Ex Boyfriends..yes..Jason, Mason, and Scott..who can forget you! Three completely different guys..that had my heart completely. You all taught me how good it feels to be in love, how a guy can come in a girls life and turn it upside down, and make you believe nothing in the world matters but being in love. Although it usually ends in heartache..each relationship ends up teaching you what is important to you and what is not. Jason was like a brother..a best friend..Mason was a joy to be around..I smiled so much..and Scott was a heartthrob that kept me wondering why me..when he could have had better. I know now that I was better.
My Step-Sons..Britton and do I start..these guys were 9 and 6 years-old when I came into their lives. Going through a divorce is hard enough and then I show up. I wouldn't have blamed them for hating me, despising my existence in their lives..but they were precious. They never disrespected me(minus the time Kellon threw his shoes across the room), and they actually looked at me like they loved me! They still have that look and I hope I am not imagining that. Again..I was shown so much about love. They didn't have to love me..they just had to tolerate me to avoid punishment from their dad..but they did way better than that. They cuddled with me, they grinned ear to ear at me, they laughed with me, and they seemed truly thrilled the day I married their dad. That day, Greg said to his Lil Best Man, "Britt, are you ready to do this?" Britt said.."Oh yea!!" I love those boys so much. They taught me what a joy it can be to be a parent, and how heartbreaking it can be also..that prepared me for what was to come with Hagen, Jack and Ali.
My Brother..Jay..why do I look up to someone SO much that farted on my head and picked on me incessantly?? I guess I saw in him every good quality that a human can have..even when he had stinky breath. And he lived up to that..he is one of the HARDEST workers I know. He doesn't let anything get in his way when he decides he is going to do something. His dedication to fitness, his job, his wife, and now baby Brody are an example to me more than he even knows. He can come across quiet and withdrawn on occasion, but I know he would drop everything and be there for me when I need him. He showed me, without knowing it, the dedication I needed in a boyfriend/husband..and that I deserve that. I miss him so much now that we are grown and have our own families, but I am blessed to have him right around the corner!
The Love of my life..Greg..Naturally I will learn a lot from him..he's ten years older..and I like to remind him of that..heehee. Seriously..he is the smartest man I know..and I am not fluffing that up at all. I don't care if we are talking about Baseball, Golf, parenting, relationships or the doesn't matter..he teaches me something! He has more common sense than is fair..and he can come up with an analogy to make anything seem crystal clear. He could write a book on parenting techniques with Jack and Ali..he is SO good with them. I fall in love with him just watching him play ball with Jack, have a conversation with Ali about her marrying him and no one else, or see him teach them something new. :) I never saw him pitch, but from what I understand, he had to work even harder than the next guy, and he did! I only hope that Jack and Ali have half the heart and passion that their daddy has! He is the best communicator I matter what the issue, I can come to him and we will work through it. That gives me confidence that no matter what comes our way, we can handle it..together. Losing a baby can rip a marriage made us stronger than ever. We had to lean on each other, we had to pick the other up when they were having a weak moment. He continues to show me how faithful and dedicated a man can be, even in difficult times, when it would be easier to throw his hands in the air. It honestly makes me sad that his boys do not have their father all the time, and I know there were hard times for everyone in his divorce, but I thank God that Greg was led to me, and that we hung in there when times were crazy. He has taught me to never settle with being so-so, don't make excuses..always want to do better..have a better marriage, be a better parent..and be a better friend.
My Angel in Heaven..Hagen James Hibbard..what a blessing he is to me. How can this tiny human, that never took a breath of our air, affect me SO much and cause me to hurt SO bad? A parent's love is indescribable..yet so many of us do not make the connection that this is what God did for all of us..gave up his Son. I am so guilty of not honoring that gift enough. That gift means that although I only held Hagen briefly, and never got to take him home, and watch him grow, I will wrap my arms around this sweet boy again one day and watch him run and play! I would never take back any of it, I mean that. I believe Hagen was used in a big way in my life, and my family and friends' lives. I could either bury my head in the sand, or ask God to lead me through this heartache and come out stronger on the other side. Now dont get me the midst of the tragedy, all I wanted was to hear Hagen's little cry, I didn't want to hear how God has a plan and yada yada yada..but eventually, after you've cried a search for comfort and peace. Family and friends provide some of that, but God gives rest to the weary and broken-hearted. So yes, Hagen taught me how to love something so much it hurts, and his conception and death made me want to be a mommy even more, but he led me to God for understanding and for that I am thankful.
My little answer to many many MANY prayers. Seconds after I want to jerk a knot in him, I could eat him up because he fills me with so much joy. He reminds me in the most simple moments what matters most in life. His innocent child-like ways show what true unconditional love looks like. I can spank his bottom, send him to his room, and he will cry for "mommy". He is mad at me, loves me and needs me all at the same time. I am the one he wants when he is happy, sad, mad and hurt. Just typing this makes me so aware of how much he relies on me, and its so easy to slip up and let him down... I will never be perfect but he makes me want to be. No one will ever take Hagen's place, but I am SO SO thankful that I got to experience Jacks sweet love on this earth. Every time he hugs me and says I love you heart gets a little fuller.
And Last but not least..God..who paid the ultimate price for me..his Son. I am not sure how you ever thank someone for that..but I try to remember why I am here and that God has placed me in different circumstances, with different people(like all of these men/boys) to teach me something, to make me stronger and to prepare me for the gift of heaven. HE is ultimately responsible for everything I have and it is my job to make the proper choices that glorify Him.
Live to glorify God, and TELL the people in the your lives(men and women) how important they are to you. If they have made a difference, they need to know, so that they will continue to live a life that impacts others. I can't imagine where I would be today without all of these people and these experiences. And I am not done yet..I have SO much growing to do..and so much impacting to do in this short time on steal my mom's favorite quote.."there are no do-overs".