Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true..Cinderella

It was a cruise in the sun, on a ginormous ship, to a beautiful island, free from worries, chores and responsibilities at work and at home..but the most amazing part of this trip was that picture right there. The look on Jack and Ali's faces at every turn of that beautiful ship, at the sight of every Disney Character, the smiles when they splashed in the Mickey Mouse pool and slid down the slide over and over again! We had the best time! It was a 5 year-old's wonderland and when they were in the Oceaneers Club it was Mommy and Daddy's wonderland! haha. It was the best of both worlds..watching our children have the time of their lives and getting time to enjoy my husband. Now this trip wasn't free..and we could have put that money toward something more responsible...like their college education, paying the car off, SAVING it..but I would not change a thing. Those memories will last a lifetime..waiting to be brought back to life when we need a smile or need to remember that times are not always hard. I highly recommend every family doing something to get away..even if its a weekend in the woods,with smores and peanut butter and jelly..sleeping in a tent. It gets you away from the hustle and bustle(and in my case the washing machine!) and allows you to reconnect with each other. The bad thing about this trip..the only bad thing I can come up with..I left with an ache in my heart to do it AGAIN. I cannot book our next family vacation fast enough!!! But maybe I really do need to work on that college fund...after all, life really isn't a fairytale. But please don't tell Ali I said that!! :)

1 comment:

  1. So true! Love this post and its those wonderful memories that will keep us going! We went to Disney World last year and I know exactly what you mean...your pictures were GREAT!
