Friday, February 18, 2011


I have always said I would never make a good saleman..unless the product sold itself. I just hate pushing things on people.  Especially in this economy!  My boss Joey says, “Never say never”.   Well, I am not saying I will make a great salesman, but I am saying I HAVE to get the word out about a product I have been taking.  It is called Plexus Slim.  It started out being tested to help diabetes patients and it was showing promise in weight-loss and whaa-laa..the best weight-loss product I have ever taken(and there have been many). There is a correlation between healthy insulin levels and a healthy the people at Plexus might be looking at a minor fortune to be made! They even have other amazing products from bio-cleans and a breast cream that aids in self examinations! I started taking the Plexus Slim (mixed in water..non stimulant) and the Accelerator (pill..stimulant) Dec 30th..about 7 weeks ago.  The immediate affects were amazing and honestly too many to list.  The number one thing this product did for me was curb my appetite.  Anyone who knows me knows I am a bottomless pit. Not only has my appetite dwindled, I no longer want carbonated drinks.  It is the MOST bizarre thing. Water! Water! Water! I get up at 5 am most weekday mornings and workout before work, I eat healthy (with occasional splurges), and I have energy all day until I fall into the bed at night and sleep like a BABY!  I feel fabulous..I cannot stress that enough..and to top it all off..I have lost 12 POUNDS!!! I have about 4-9 more pounds to go and I KNOW I can do it. I have never been more confident in that! The unique thing about Plexus Slim is you can become an ambassador and sell it as well as use it. (You know like crack..BUT LEGAL!) heehee.  My husband’s cousin on the coast started it and it has taken off like crazy! He has lost over 50 pounds and is off all of his daily insulin shots for diabetes.  The success stories are amazing and the whole thing really does seem too good to be true.  EVERYONE that uses it consistently has success. You can’t take it two days and say "oh I don’t see a change".  My husband, Greg, started it and I said don’t take this once a it EVERYDAY..he did and he has lost 15 pounds!! And he hasn’t stepped foot in a gym.  His appetite has changed and the desire to gorge his self is just not there anymore.  We keep saying, if this can change the two of us, people should be VERY convinced, and VERY excited! And if you say that could NEVER happen to you..remember what my boss Joey says..NEVER SAY NEVER!

For more information please visit or email me on facebook.

A representative (Greg’s cousin) will be coming to Memphis soon for an informative meeting.  The health benefits and the business side of Plexus Slim will be explained and you will seriously be astonished at what can happen if this takes off in our area.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true..Cinderella

It was a cruise in the sun, on a ginormous ship, to a beautiful island, free from worries, chores and responsibilities at work and at home..but the most amazing part of this trip was that picture right there. The look on Jack and Ali's faces at every turn of that beautiful ship, at the sight of every Disney Character, the smiles when they splashed in the Mickey Mouse pool and slid down the slide over and over again! We had the best time! It was a 5 year-old's wonderland and when they were in the Oceaneers Club it was Mommy and Daddy's wonderland! haha. It was the best of both worlds..watching our children have the time of their lives and getting time to enjoy my husband. Now this trip wasn't free..and we could have put that money toward something more their college education, paying the car off, SAVING it..but I would not change a thing. Those memories will last a lifetime..waiting to be brought back to life when we need a smile or need to remember that times are not always hard. I highly recommend every family doing something to get away..even if its a weekend in the woods,with smores and peanut butter and jelly..sleeping in a tent. It gets you away from the hustle and bustle(and in my case the washing machine!) and allows you to reconnect with each other. The bad thing about this trip..the only bad thing I can come up with..I left with an ache in my heart to do it AGAIN. I cannot book our next family vacation fast enough!!! But maybe I really do need to work on that college fund...after all, life really isn't a fairytale. But please don't tell Ali I said that!! :)