Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November Already! Time to count blessings!

I can't believe we are 13 weeks into a life changing decision I prayed about, researched, talked about, and debated with friends. I have not doubted that decision for one second and for THAT I am thankful. I am sure there are moments Jack and Ali wish a sweet teacher was asking them to pull a clip rather than mommy sending them to time out. We have really settled into a great pattern, and I can't imagine waking up one day and having to send them off to school. I would be devastated..and I am pretty sure they would be too!! I am so blessed to have a husband that wants to provide for us the best he can to give us this opportunity, and I am blessed to have children that are open to mommy and daddy being their teachers. I have enjoyed getting to know my kids even better and having the extra time to bond with them. I can already see the benefits of homeschooling in both of them..in different ways. We've had sick days and haven't missed one lesson and we've traveled and haven't lost our momentum. I thank God so much for allowing everything to come together for the good of my little family.